In a season of silly and sterile, panic and persuasive stats. Here, in this unprecedented moment I realise… It’s all we have.
We, in isolation and distance, we only have EACH DAY as. it. comes. And without fail, each day comes with new stats, and new stress. New transmissions and new concerns. Right now, we can only plan for the right now. We can only look at today and decide, how will we use what we have, what will we do today.
When each day looks the same, more home-cooking, home-gym, home-working…When each day is like the last, I realise that you really only can think
There’s no need, or wisdom, to planning your week in advance. There’s no sense in deciding what you might like to do next month. Because we just have each day, as it comes.
And as each day comes, there’s new mercy and new provision. New progress and new grace. Because my God is the Provider of all we need EACH DAY. He gives us new ideas to entertain the children EACH DAY. He gives us enough coffee to make it through EACH DAY. He gives us hope in words and wonders EACH DAY. And He gives us joy through laughter and memes EACH DAY.
I could panic-buy, stress-eat or wine-cope. Or I could just trust that my Provider will give me all I need EACH DAY as it comes…because it will come.
And as one day becomes two, becomes ten, becomes more, a new season will arrive, a new normal will settle. But yet, whatever that looks like – fallout, failure or fiscal nightmares, my God will provide for each new day as it comes. Because it will come. The new day. Where things are different, and the world is a little brighter. Where people see one another without masks or skepticism.
A new day.
It will come.
Until then.. My God will provide all that we need for each day. And I will look for the pockets of His grace in the corners of my home EACH DAY. Because ultimately, I want each day to reflect that the glory of His name is the centre on which our lives turn.