Make the most of every moment, but also breathe deeply and don’t subscribe to the productivity laws of Lock Down.
Make the most of every moment, but also be sure to practise self-care, and kid-care and soul-care and pet-care.
Make the most of each moment, but also stay connected to the world, but not to the news. Make the most of every moment.
These moments are precious.
So, make the most of every moment! EVERY MOMENT, okay?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I have felt this pressure mounting while cooped up in my home. These are precious times, and memories that will never leave us. Am I making the most of every moment, memory, milestone?
The answer is no, I quite simply cannot. Because, while I want to live carefree and present in every moment, the pressure to do that has me distracted and over-burdened. As a mom of 2 young children I am grateful that I don’t have real home-schooling to attempt, or lunch boxes to pack right now. But, I do have two large imaginations to fill with activities and exercise and joy and laughter and discipline and food. So. Much. Food!
This Lock Down is NOT my season to settle into a good book, or a new hobby or lunch-time craft-time. This Lock Down moment is not one of “all the things I can never get to” – its mostly just striking a balance between mom and dad working hours, enough-but-not-too-much screen time, and the never-ending laundry. All. The. Time! It’s a season for me of navigating hard questions, leading others through chaos and choosing, day after day, to fight the fear and find the faith.
In all honesty, I am actually enjoying this hermit-life, so far! I don’t yet crave an outing or an adventure. I am content in this season – with all its added tension, and still somehow, all its added joy!
But here’s the thing… I do actually WANT to make the most of every moment!
There’s really only one way I will achieve anything near that – by being ABSORBED into each mundane or crucial task of each day. When I am absorbed in what’s in front of me, its all I can think about at that precise minute. I don’t need to be thinking about the future fiscal fallout we may face when I am measuring the flour into the eggs and sugar. I don’t need to worry about all that I cannot control when I am wiping sticky fingers or splitting up sibling-world-war-100. I don’t need to fret over the extended screen-time when I have the opportunity to action real, tangible help to those in need. I don’t need to think through my multi-tasking to do list while I am sweating out my bad mood from today. I just need to sweat! I just need to bake! I just need to dial in to one more Zoom call and be absorbed by it all! One moment at a time!
If the pressure is on to be productive or pretty or perfect – I need to step back and just allow myself to be absorbed by what’s in front of me. But mostly, I want to be… NEED to be absorbed by what GOD is doing in this moment! Just absorbed by it. No pressure…because His mercy is always new, His grace is always sufficient. And there’s always more than enough of Him for me to be absorbed into.
So, maybe I will make the most of every moment by NOT making the most of every moment. Maybe I will make the most of every moment by being absorbed by each sweet and precious day I get to live!